About the college

About the college
White Rose College of Medicine in Al-Muthanna University Park
This college was established on May 26, 2008 after completing its requirements for a teaching staff, medical equipment, training laboratories, and a huge building on the banks of the Euphrates River in the heart of the city of Samawah. The college was equipped with everything needed to study medicine, and the basic mission of this college was to prepare competent doctors who would bear responsibility for the groans, suffering, and pain of patients with sacrifice, dedication, and selflessness. The college was equipped with the latest laboratory equipment from international origins for all specialties, as the ELISA and PCR devices were imported. The college building has been rehabilitated, furnished, and scientific equipment has been imported to become a scientific edifice. In addition, mummified human corpses and parts of human corpses were imported for the purpose of practical study in the anatomy laboratory. Advanced classrooms containing demonstration devices were rehabilitated in Al-Hussein Teaching Hospital and the Obstetrics and Children’s Teaching Hospital in Samawah. The large conference hall, which can accommodate about 600 people, was completed. The gardens were expanded and developed and the student club was built. The college contains five stages with all their educational requirements.