Parasitology branch

Parasitology branch
Objectives :
1- Giving students the basic concepts of pathogens from parasites. This branch teaches parasitology to third-year students and explains all types of parasites that infect animals, their life cycle, and methods of diagnosing and treating them.

2- Expanding and developing students’ understanding of how diseases caused by parasites occur, as well as their life cycles, infection stages, and how they are transmitted to infect humans.

Branch vision:

The Veterinary Parasitology Branch is considered one of the leading departments in the College of Veterinary Medicine. The department teaches bachelor’s degree students and participates
Veterinary Parasitology Branch at Al-Muthanna University, college departments, in preparing distinguished graduates and producing purposeful applied research in the fields of parasitology in its various branches, which include veterinary worms, medical and veterinary insects, veterinary protozoa, and secret parasites.

Branch message

Preparing human cadres in parasitology in various branches, which include veterinary worms, medical and veterinary entomology, veterinary protozoa, and secret parasites, and arming them with basic and applied knowledge and skills qualified to compete in the labor market and raise the level of scientific research, which meets the needs of society and contributes to the development of the environment and livestock in a way that meets the missions of the university and college. Hence, it is committed to providing high-quality education for bachelor’s degree students to acquire skills related to parasitology in its various branches, with a commitment to providing students’ needs of skills and knowledge related to modern sciences such as molecular biology.